Pictures Taken During Workshops
August 2, 3, 4, 2004

Completed projects (from left to center - gas tank side tacked to top, aluminum dish, steel dish, hood scoop, wheel tub and wide fender) - Chris, Mike, Tom - More pictures from first workshop.

October 2, 3, 2004

Completed projects (from left to center - gas tank side and top - finish welded, aluminum dish, steel dish, hood scoop, wheel tub and narrow fender) - Mark, Rob - More pictures from second workshop.

December 11, 12, 2004


Completed projects (from left to center - gas tank side and top - finish welded, aluminum dish, steel dish, hood scoop, wheel tub and narrow fender) - Tim - More pictures from third workshop.

January 15, 16, 2005

Completed projects (from left to center - gas tank side and top - finish welded, aluminum dish, steel dish, hood scoop, wheel tub and narrow fender) - Gary, Tom - More pictures from fourth workshop.

February 26, 27 2005

Completed projects (from left to center - gas tank side and top - finish welded, aluminum dish, steel dish, hood scoop, wheel tub and narrow fender) - Doug, Dan - More pictures from fifth workshop.

June 11, 12, 2005

Garth, Barry, Dave, Mike - more pictures from the sixth workshop

Please Call Mike at 1-315-738-1399 for additional information.
or email

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Last updated: 06/13/2005*