
Pictures Taken During Workshop

Pictures Taken During Fourth Workshop - January 15, 16, 2005

Tracking practice - Gary.

Tracking practice - Tom on new English Wheel, Gary on first English Wheel.

Bowls taking shape - Tom, Gary.

Beading the flange on the wheel tub - Gary, Mike, Tom.

Finishing the weld on the wheel tub - Tom, Mike, Gary.

Wheeling the welded gas tank project - Tom.

Wheeling the hood scope demonstration - Tom, Mike, Gary.

Shrinking the hood scoop - Mike, Gary, Tom.

Rolling the flange on the hood scoop - Tom, Gary.

Completing the flange on the hood scoop - Tom, Gary.

Starting the rolling over of the nose of the hood scoop demonstartion with new 'T' dolly - Gary, Mike.

Continuing the rolling over of the nose of the hood scoop demonstration on the second new  'T' dolly - Mike, Tom.

Rolling over the nose of the hood scoop - Tom, Mike.

Rolling over the nose of the hood scoop - Gary, Mike.

Completing the rolling over of the nose of the hood scoop - Gary.

Completed projects (from left to center - gas tank side and top - finish welded, aluminum dish, steel dish, hood scoop, wheel tub and narrow fender) - Gary, Tom.

Please Call Mike at 1-315-738-1399 for additional information.
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Last updated: 01/17/2005